Article No.: 2500

OWS Ecolight SAE 5W-30


ACEA A3 / B3 / B4;API SP; MB 229.5; VW 502 00/505 00 *; Renault 0700/0710; GM-LL B-025; BMW LL-01; Porsche A40; PSA B712296

High Performance HC-Synthetic Fuel Economy Engine Oil

High performance fuel economy HC-Synthetic engine oil with PAO components. It is designed for use in modern light running, low emission engines with tight tolerances. Its special additive formula provides significantly low friction with strengthened oil fi lm for greater engine response and fuel efficiency. Sustained horsepower and torque with superb engine smoothness throughout the life of your engine with regulars life, works best with OWS Performance 3-in-1 Systems.

CONTENT: 1L, 4L, 5L BOTTLE, 20L, 25L PAIL, 60L, 200L DRUM, 1000L IBC